West Bengal University of Animal
and Fishery Sciences
37 & 68 Kshudiram Bose Sarani,
Kolkata – 700 037; West Bengal
Tel : 033-2557 198; 033-25563123
Website: http://wbuafsci.ac.in
West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences was established on 2nd January, 1995 vide West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences Act – 1995 to impart education, training and to conduct research in veterinary and animal sciences, dairy sciences and fishery sciences and also to cater the needs of the farming community of the State of West Bengal. During this period the University has been recognized as one of the leading institutions of the country to uplift the socio-economical status of farmers. The hallmark of the University has been the development of human resources to meet the requirements of the society and to promote the socio-economic development of the region. The University has been engaged in commendable task of improving the research infrastructure to develop cutting edge technologies for improved management of animal and fishery resources, disease problems, nutrients, water resources and environment. Significant achievement has been made to improve the research activities with the funds made available from State and Central Governments and non-government organizations. There are three faculties in this University viz. (1) Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (B.V.Sc. & AH, M.V.Sc. & Ph.D. courses) (2) Faculty of Dairy Technology (B.Tech.(DT), M.Tech. (DT) and M.Sc. (Dairying) and Ph.D. courses) and (3) Faculty of Fishery Sciences (B.F.Sc., M.F.Sc. courses). The research, extension and farm activities of the University are organized through the Directorate of Research, Extension & Farms of the University. Various research programmes have been running since 1995 under the aegis of the said Directorate I joined the West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences as Vice-Chancellor on 7th August, 2014. I fervently hope that in the coming years we will get more opportunities to expand our educational and research activities in the national and international arena. Our faculty members have already proved this by getting international fellowships, awards and have also been invited to present their papers in the international congress, symposia and conferences. I am confident that with the co-operation of all concerned I would be able to take this University to its new height. |